Monday, October 12, 2009

Importance of Communication

The importance of communication in the classroom is a key part of keeping the class together. The way that a teacher communicates with their students could make or break how the students interact in the classroom. When a teacher communicates effectively with their students many different things can happen: learning can become easier, the class goals are more likely to be made, the teacher and students tend to have a better connection and it creates a positive atmosphere. To create a classroom environment where communication issues are openly recognized and managed in a way that promotes learning.

There are many different strategies that a teacher can use to effectively communicate to their classroom. The first one is to assess and develop your own communication skills and knowledge. By doing this teacher set the tone for the year and students become adapted to the way the school year will be run. Another strategy is to learn more about each student’s communication before the course begins. This way the class runs more smoothly and it deepens the connection the students have with their teacher. Adjust the classroom environment as needed and Establish communication rules and guidelines. These two strategies are key when communicating with a class. Some days the students attention span is not what it normally is and you need to be able to look at the situation and figure out a way to make the class calm down and listen.

Classroom Communication Checklist

Know your students
Don't let silence unnerve you
Be clear
Avoid jargon
Listen carefully
Be sensitive to student behaviour
Create equity in your classroom or laboratory
Use humour appropriately

There are many different components to classroom communication. There is non-verbal communication, lecturing, interaction and the way you deliver yourself and lessons to the classroom. There are a few major things to remember when using non-verbal communication in a class. You need to remember to make eye-contact, have facial expressions, look relaxed and use certain gestures and body movements. When you are lecturing to a class you need to make sure that you are thorough with instructions. You need to make sure that you also remember to summarize what you have just talked about. This will make sure the students are all on the same page, it will also leave room for any questions they may have. When you are interacting with the class you need to make sure that you spread yourself throughout the class. Some teachers spend too much time with one student and not enough with the other. When speaking to the class you need to make sure that you use appropriate volume and speed. You need to make sure that you also emphasize and pronunciation your words correctly.

One thing a teacher said to me was to “talk to the students, don’t talk down to them”. This really made me think. It is very true that if you talk down to students, they are less likely to respect you. After hearing this I looked back at my previous classroom experiences and took note of what teachers I liked and which I didn’t. I noticed that all the teachers I liked talked to us with respect and kindness. I am very grateful for that teacher because he really opened my eyes to a topic I would not have thought about when I become a teacher.


Anonymous said...

Aside from having cheap 1300 number, companies should really prioritize an English Only Policy.

Unknown said...

Along with classroom communication, the importance of communication is very much everywhere, may be this is the reason because of which most of the business owners in Australia are choosing live answering Australia